Discography Overview: Hellhammer

Discography Overview: Hellhammer

https://youtu.be/Lj6bdUq6ndE David, Nick and Cullen go over Hellhammer's short yet incredibly influential career, discussing the band's evolution, musical characteristics and the difficulties bands face when trying to emulate their style
Interview with Elytron Frass

Interview with Elytron Frass

We’ve had the pleasure of engaging in a series of back-and-forth inquiries with Elytron Frass, multi-media artist, author of Liber Exuvia, and scriptwriter of Vitiators alongside illustrator Charles N. I.…
Pre-Celtic Frost: Hellhammer

Pre-Celtic Frost: Hellhammer

Before becoming Celtic Frost, Hellhammer innovated underground metal within a short span of time. In Hellhammer, we can hear the influence of Motorhead and, with it, the older rock n’…