A Case for Death Metal’s Greatest Album: Morbid Angel – Blessed Are the Sick

Aruspex, Peter, Malus (Apokatastasis) and Nick discuss Morbid Angel’s most abstract album and easily their magnum opus: Blessed Are the Sick and why its explosive cocktail of loose yet prodigal musicianship, wide variety of compositional techniques and its completely unique and unimitable songwriting provide a strong case for its status as the greatest death metal album of all time. while such an album would probably need an entire series of its own to fully dissect, here are some notes that provide more detail on the ideas presented in the video https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c…

0:00 Introduction, background and brief overview of Altars of Madness and Abominations of Desolation
06:31 Aesthetics, performance, production and song layout.
13:27 Extended analysis of Fall From Grace
30:05 Further thoughts on Fall From Grace 47:15 the reality of Mozart’s influence
50:00 Extended analysis of Brainstorm
58:54 Extended analysis of Day of Suffering
1:08 Extended analysis of side B
1:20 Legacy and the difficulty of recreating such an album


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