Abigor – Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom)

Abigor – Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom)

With their 1995 release Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom) Abigor not only evolved and refined their intricate and glorious style of Black Metal, already present on their debut “Verwüstung – Invoke The Dark Age”, but also set a statement in the prevalent European Black Metal scene. Shortly before Swedish Bands trademarked the sound of saccharine and melodic Black Metal, the Austrian group released an elite tier album combining revealing and complex structures with inspiring and victorious melodies which simultaneously allowed for more aggressive passages to fully unfold.

While at times sounding a bit thin and very resonant, the production on Nachthymen allows the band to perfectly capture the atmosphere portrayed in the artwork. Guitars might appear thin and even overpowered by the thunderous echo of the drums which makes the emergence of victorious tremolo picked melodies even more satisfying as they lead through the labyrinthine compositions. Vocals, synthesizers and choirs flow above the arrangements and unite with the guitars while medieval sounding acoustic guitars set moments of peace amidst the exhausting ravishing only to bring back the powerful screamed vocals and electric guitars in their fullest fashion.

Silenius’ vocal performance is astounding. Tortured screams recalling ancient battles and introspective journeys through death elevate the songs into emotional narratives as they emerge from the top of his chest and throat, exuding true agony and pain. Their effect gets even stronger once Elisabeth Toriser joins in on clean vocals, setting a contrast which makes the screams almost unbearable for the listener.

The guitar work of Peter Kubik and Thomas Tannenberger mainly conists out of tremolo picked melodies following a similar function to that of Swedish Bands like Sacramentum and even At The Gates. Slowly emerging mutations and smooth transitions bring to mind pictures and atmospheres reminiscent of walking through a majestic castle. Each narrow corridor unfolds into a majestic monument surrounded by a beautiful dark landscape with a bright moonlight reflecting on icy walls and bloody battlefields. Some Variations of riffs seem like everlasting advancements leading to an epic finale, especially in tracks like Reborn Through The Gates Of Three Moons or The Dark Kiss, where the synthesizers and medieval guitars unleash their beauty as they both follow the guitars and also interact within the songs, i.e interrupt the onslaught of blast beats and tremolo picking to make the themes appear even stronger.

Thomas Tannenberger managed to make the drums fit perfectly into the music as blast beats and hyperactive fills often change their roles with captivating and interesting groove as the melodies progress. This works amazingly well with the guitars as some of the beats stay steady in the background while a melody advances, suggesting the feel that the music wants to draw the listener further into the landscape while he is still trying to grasp the beauty shown before him.

With Nachthymnen Abigor elevated itself to an elite tier band, standing toe to toe with the greats of the genre. This Album shows a desire to create special music that comes from the artist’s heart, almost as if the Band wouldn’t be complete if it wasn’t for this album. Drop the comparison to the Swedish bands and what remains is a genuine inspiring extreme metal album filled with breath taking moments and an ability to create beautiful visions.

Wartend auf einen schmerzlosen Tod –
Die Flammen der Hölle sind nichts
Verglichen mit diesem Leben,
Voll von wundenleckendem Licht,
Umgeben von Grausamkeiten namens Menschen –
Keinen Tropfen Blut wert.
Meine Seele entschwand dieser Welt
Vor langer Zeit,
Aber der immerwährende Haß band meinen Körper
An diese Dimension.
Ich wandere rastlos und leer,
Auf der Suche nach Erlösung und Harmonie,
Wissend, daß diese Suche sinnlos ist, endlos.
Jemand hatte die Macht –
Und raubte mir die letzte Hoffnung,
Den Mut diesen Schmerz zu beenden, mein Leben.
Mein Wunsch könnte erfüllt werden –
Hinwegschwinden, sanft und sicher,
Auf Winterflügeln in die letzte
Und ewige Dunkelheit,
In der Eiswinde durch mein Haar streifen.


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